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Liam Kinna is, at his core, a lover of storytelling. The first medium he began telling stories in was live theatre. There's nothing like matching the energy of a scene partner in front of a live audience. Be sure to check out the reviews of shows Liam's been involved in, as well as the testimonials from other artists he has worked with.  

Donna Fox, MD

“You [Liam Kinna] bring such joy to your work - whether you are creating a role, choreographing a fall, leading a warm-up, or helping to keep a space clean and safe, you approach it all with heart."

Teresea Spencer, MD

"[Liam Kinna,] Your curiosity makes me more curious and raises the bar for the actors around you."

Fargo Tbakhi, MD

“[Liam Kinna,] Your voice has been invaluable to the work we've built together, and your ability to always be a steady support, a constant, made our journey into these unfamiliar waters so much smoother.”
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